Corrupted File and Editing Notes

• Aug 26, 2018 - 07:55

I'm new to Musescore and I tried to convert a PDF to a .mscz file. I then tried to export that file to a MIDI file. Then, I tried to open that MIDI file in Musescore 2, and it told me that my file was corrupted and that the details were: Measure 56 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 17/16; Found: 2440/2304
Measure 57 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 5/8

I then went to the Musescore website and found this:

But I have no idea on how to correct the note (or rest) lengths like it's telling me to do

Here is the MIDI file that is "corrupted" and I am trying to fix

If anyone can tell me how to fix this file/correct the note (or rest) lengths/or anything, please let me know

Thank you for your time

Attachment Size
Peace Sign MIDI file.mid 28.27 KB


I guess probably the MSCZ file created by your PDF importer was already corrupt. It would be better to work from that than the MIDI file. In fact, unless you have a really specific reaosn to be creating a MIDI file, best to not even bother, or if you do, to only use that MIDI file for that specific purpsoe and not bother trying to open it in MuseScore. MIDI is simply not meant as a notation format and loses far too much information to be useful for that purpose.

Assuming you didn't actually mean to create a 17/16 measure, I'd suggest deleting that measure entirely, inserting a new one, and enteirng the music by hand. Again, starting from the MSCZ file, not the MIDI.

Beyond that, if you are unfamiliar with the editing commands in MuseScore, I'd highly recommend reading the relevant sections of the Handbook - it's quite helpful. If you then have a more specific question, someone will undoubtedly be happy to assist further.

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