On guitar chord diagrams, have the ability to draw partial barres from a given string to another.

• Aug 26, 2018 - 16:51

Partial barres can be drawn from a given string to 1st strings. It would be even better to start it at a given string and extend it only to another string. As an example see the chord included in the example - an F chord inversion with a partial barre played with the index (1st finger) on 4th and 5th strings.

Of course, a bar could have been drawn from the 5th string to the 1st, and you would probably get to use the index, but that doesn't show at a glance the real fingering.

Maybe the Shift technique can be modified to extend only to the destination string to draw the bar, and not necessarily to the 1st.

Keep up the excellent work ! Love Musescore and recommend it to everyone I meet.

Attachment Size
partial barre.mscz 5.01 KB


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