
• Sep 9, 2018 - 00:42

I am writing to ask about some of the dynamic markings. I am trying to make an accurate representation of a song from a game, but to do this, I need to utilize the forte-piano dynamic. So, I looked and I found said dynamic.

However, in playback, the dynamic seems to have zero effect at all. It would be nice if the developers could improve MuseScore even more by making playback even more realistic than it already is.

Thanks to the developers for your already amazing software, though. This is just a minor inconvenience.


Improved playback of fp should be implemented when change in dynamics for a single note gets implemented. I'm not sure when that will happen, but I've heard it's in the works.

Currently fp in nothing more than an ornament that can have a single dynamic set for it in the inspector.

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