is there a manual for Musescore?

• Sep 9, 2018 - 12:58

hello all, my name is Lior and I am a blind person. I have heard about Musescore a couple of days before and I have tried to use it with screen reader, it seems to be accessible, but, where is the manual is located?, how to edit the score?, how to add or delete note?, how to change the note duration?, please let me know. thanks!


The accessibility page is part of the downloadable manual. Almost any action can be accomplished using the keyboard only, though some may be quite confusing if you are blind. If you run into an issue that you cannot solve, feel free to ask here in the forums. If you need to open a dialog box for example, Navigating them may not be sufficiently documented for a blind person, so you may have difficulty with it. If this is the case, feel free to ask for an explanation of what's giving you difficulty and remind us you are blind so someone can properly help you.

What you will find on that accessibility page is that while MuseScore has a lot of accessibility features built in, there is enough lacking that actually creating new scores will be frustrating. You can use MuseScore as a score reader quite well, but a lot of things you would need to do in creating scores unfortunately still require the mouse. We are actively working on improving this for a future release.

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