Song with no time signature
How do I write a song with no time signature? I've formatted it as 1/4 and plan to hide barlines. But this can't be a new issue around here. I'm thinking Gregorian chants. What is the recommended way to format this?
From a 1909 German book of African chants.
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Don't use 1/4 - that will require ties for notes linger than a quarter. Instead, choose a time signature that actually works with the music - probably a multiple of 2. Then use "Edit / Measure / Join Selected Measures" to combine measures - that's way better than hiding barlines. And go to Staff Properties (right click staff) to suppress the display of time signatures.
In reply to Don't use 1/4 - that will… by Marc Sabatella
The longest note is a half note, so I formatted for 2/4. I'll combine measures as I go.
There are a few 2 span ticks I can insert as barlines. In the music, I think they are breathing signs, however, in Musescore they are included in the barlines library.
Marc, thank you for telling me how to suppress the time signature. I've just been making it invisible. Which leaves extra space in the score. Suppression takes out the extra space. AWESOME! Thanks again. (smile)
In reply to The longest note is a half… by judeeylander
If you use 4/4, or 6/4 time signature you will need to combine fewer measures.
In reply to If you use 4/4, or 6/4 time… by mike320
LOL! In the beginning, every time I crossed a barline with a slur, I'd increase the time signature by 1. I think I'm up to 12/4 now. At this point, I'm combining measures before I start a new line, and splitting measures when I need to insert a tick 2 span or end the line. All great fun and new to me! Thanks, Mike. (smile)