musescore 2 how to change fa and sol keys

• Sep 16, 2018 - 11:16

hello guys, I would like to know how to replace the sol and fa keys, that the sol notes will be on the fa key and the fa notes will be on the sol keys. thank you


Not sure what a sol key or a fa key is (I assume this is something lost in translation), but I guess you mean G or treble clef and F or bass clef (i.e. the normal clefs in a piano staff, right and left hand). If so, see Shoichi's reply

(In German "key" and "clef" both translate to the same word, "Schlüssel", with "key" also possibly translate to "Taste", like on a keyboard)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

in my language we say "fa key" for the meaning of the left hand notes and sol key for the right hand notes..we can also call it clefs it has the same meaning:) i didn't know that in English we say clef and not key but its good to know it :) thank you guys

In reply to by rianbro20

You can copy and paste from one to the other, see The problem is that if you do not change the clef on the new staff, you will have notes with a lot of ledger lines. There's nothing really wrong with this, but there are not usually a lot of ledger lines between staves on a piano. This is normally overcome by changing the clef to minimize the number of ledger lines.

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