MS 'Correcting' Harmonies from Imported XML Without Permission

• Sep 17, 2018 - 16:09

I imported an XML file into MS. The key signature of the original file was F minor and contained occasional E-naturals and A-naturals as part of the piece’s harmonic colouration. I added dynamics and phrase marks etc.

When I play back the file inside MS though, I find that it has turned all my occasional E-naturals and A-naturals into Ebs and Abs, as if to 'fit in' with the key signature.

How could MS have done this? I am now having to go through the whole score to correct these errors. Can anyone tell me what's happened and how can I prevent this from happening in future?

Thanks in advance.


You will need to attach the xml file and tell us the origin of the score (like PDF conversion, Finale...). Also confirm you are using version 2.3.2.

Since you say it plays correctly in MOTU, and since no one else has ever reported any such issue with MusicXML import in MuseScore that I can recall, my assumption is that the problem is with the export from MOTU, as that's really the only other variable here. You might try editing it (it's is plain text) to see for yourself if the accidentals are truly present.

If you are convinced the MusicXML file is valid, we will need to see it in order to understand why it fails when all others succeed. Feel free to export just a small segment of it if you are worried about copyright restrictions.

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