octave query

• Sep 18, 2018 - 14:00

on attached extract I want to notate the stem-up notes on the 2nd minim of b1 and possibly 1st dotted minim of b2 as ottava but can't seem to find a way of doing this without ottava-ing the stem-down notes too. help please.

Attachment Size
octave_query.mscz 9.73 KB


In reply to by mike320

thanks Mike. This would seem a serious limitation if it were the case as it is a far from unusual situation. However, in the attached extract I have been able to create an ottava on the upper voices of the treble stave without affecting the lower voices either in notation or playback. so this is a bit puzzling and I'm not sure why I can't do the same on the previous attached example.

Attachment Size
octave_query_2.mscz 10.27 KB

In reply to by joek12

Ottavas always affect all notes in the relevant staff. This isn't a limitation of MuseScore; it is just how standard music notation works.

You can of course notate things as if it were otherwise, but musicians reading the score may not understand your intent and will likely obey the standard rules, which call for the ottava to affect all notes. If you really need to notate in this way, I'd suggest including a text indication to inform the musicians of your usage, and then using the "Fix to Line" hack suggested earlier to force MuseScore to playback this way as well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

more accurately I think (and probably what you mean), ottavas affect all simultaneous events in the relevant staff, and Musescore can (in my experience) produce ottavas and non-ottavas within the same staff (even the same bar) as long as these are not beginning or ending at the same time. so I agree that I was trying to do something unconventional - my solution in the end was to put the non-ottava notes on a different stave.

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