Fingerings can overlap staccato and tenuto

• Sep 19, 2018 - 15:32
P1 - High
S4 - Minor

Здравствуйте разработчики программы MuseScore 2!
Работаю преподавателем в детской музыкальной школе. Два года пользуюсь этой программой, очень нравится!

Недавно обновил (установил заново) MuseScore 2 версию 2.3.2 для Win-10. (На моём компьютере установлена лицензионная Win-10). И у меня появилось замечание к работе программы MuseScore 2 для Win-10:

  1. При расстановке аппликатуры и при наличии стаккато, номер (цифра) пальца наползает на точку под (над) нотой. Необходимо потом вручную перетаскивать цифру номера пальца с точки. Очень неудобно! Исправьте, если это возможно.

  2. Замечание, которого не было на предыдущей версии (номер версии уже к сожалению не помню).
    При экспорте в формат WAV нескольких партитур подряд величиной в 1 страницу каждая партитура, после экспорта 6-7 партитур подряд происходит прерывание работы программы MuseScore 2 и выход в операционную систему на рабочий стол. Раньше, на предыдущей версии, этого не было. Исправьте пожалуйста.

In English:
Hello developers of the program MuseScore 2!
I work as a teacher in children's music school. Two years using this program, really like it!

Recently updated (installed again) MuseScore 2 version 2.3.2 for Win-10. (My computer has a licensed Win-10). And I had a comment to the program MuseScore 2 for Win-10:

  1. When placing fingerings and in the presence of staccato, the number finger crawls on the point under (over) note. You must then manually drag the number of the finger from the point. Very uncomfortable! Correct, if possible.

  2. The remark, which was not on previous versions (version number unfortunately do not remember).
    When exporting several scores (partitura) in a row to WAV format with the size of 1 page each score (partitura), after exporting 6-7 scores (partitura) in a row, the MuseScore 2 program is interrupted and the operating system is launched on the desktop. Previously, on the previous version, this was not. Correct please.


Title Ошибка в программе Error in the program
Status (old) patch (code needs review) active
Status active

We'd need one issue per bug, and you didn't supply a patch, so there's nothing to review...

ad 1) you mean that the fingerings collide with the staccato dot? If so: the next major version will be much better at automatic collision avoidance, please test the 3.0 alpha version and check whether it is any better there.

ad 2) you mean exporting several scores to wav causes a crash? If so: I can reproduce, I'm currently converting all scores in a certain directory onto WAVs (using the Batch Export plugin) and at file 16 there is a crash. I guess we're looking at a memory leak here.
Interestingly MP3 or OGG export crashes at the same spot, also at score #16.
Such crashes are supposed to be entered as critical issues.
Maybe #276356: Memory leak and crash after multiple audio exports (MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC) is the same issue?

Title Error in the program Fingerings can overlap staccato and tenuto
Reported version 2.3  
Priority P1 - High
Regression No
Workaround No

The issue with collisions between fingerings and articulations is partially addressed by, but not completely, as the special articulation placement rules for staccato and tenuto currently ignore fingerings.