Use ctrl-click to remove chordname when copying note or chord.

• Sep 29, 2018 - 18:43

At the moment when I wish to repeat a chord that has a chordname attached, I copy the chord, go to the spot(s) I wish to repeat it and ctrl-v. The chordname is carried with the chord. I then have to select the chordnames that are in an inappropriate place and delete them.

At the moment, when the chord is selected both it and the chordname change colour to signify that they are selected.
At the moment, when ctrl-clicked, the chordname changes colour as if it has been deselected, but when the resulting selection is then copied and placed, the chordname is still attached.

I would then prefer to ctrl-click the chordname and have it removed from the selection before pasting. This would remove the whole select/delete operations after copying.


When you DO ctrl-click the chord name it changes color to black, but still copies. This is misleading to the user. I agree that ctrl-clicking anything should remove it from the selection. Implementation of this might be tough though, but it should be similar to excluding items in the selection filter. In fact my initial reaction to this post was to use the selection filter, but if you want the chord name kept only on the second note out of several, the selection filter wouldn't allow for this possibility. So the Selection filter is not always an option.

My guess is there are other places where this happens, too. My sense is that a lot of the code dealing with range selection does not bother to check if individual elements within the selection are actually selected or not - it checks the filter but not the element itself. And this kind of makes sense, consider, what if you selected a range then Ctrl+click one note within the range to unselect it, then did a copy & paste? For the most part, a range really is a range. On the other hand, some commands do respect individual deselection within a range, like "V". So a deselected chord within a range acts like part of the selection for some operations, but not for others, and to some extent that's going to be unavoidable unless we choose to simply not allow that sort of deselection in the first place. But it would be worth some effort to really go through this case by case and cleaning it up which operations respect individual deselections with a range and which don't, because I agree that while it doesn't make sense to skip a note when copying a range selection, it probably does make sense to skip a chord symbol. Maybe also we could consider a different highlight color for these "quasi-selected" elements.

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