Improvement on the abilities of the volta line

• Oct 3, 2018 - 22:17

It is an easy improvement on these lines that suggest you should first go to one measure and after the repeat you skip that one and move on to the measure with a 2 above it.

I think it would be an easy improvement to be able to write the number in it yourself.

It happens a lot that I have (for example) 4 repeats of a 4 measure-part and the 16th isn't the same so in that last repeat I have to skip the last measure which would be easy with those lines IF it would be possible to write the number in it yourself.

please add this :)


If I understand, you want to be able to write yourself the number in the repeat lignes......simply click a ligne, then right click, you get line proprieties or repeat proprieties and you can choose the number

If I understand correctly, you want a four measure repeated section, a volta over the last measure that says "1,2,3" and then another measure after that with a volta over it that says "4"? This is indeed already possible and works perfectly. Just enter a "1" line and a "2" line but then right click them and use "Volta Properties" to change both the text and the repeat list. You'll also need to right-click the measure with the end repeat, Measure Properties, and set the repeat count to 4.

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