Unwanted extension lines

• Oct 12, 2018 - 14:36

I've got a few unwanted extension lines here and there in my choral piece. They are running through or underlining other words. During my copying and pasting I didn't delete them with the word they were attached to. Now they are stubbornly refusing to be deleted at all. Anyone got any idea how I can remove them?


Can you attach the score you are having problems with?
Add a similar one, right-click on->All Similar Elements->Del
Switch to 'Continuous View' and try to delete

Almost certainly they are connected to a syllable, and the challenge will be to find the syllable they are connected to. But indeed, we can't help you find it without the score :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc

If you look on page 2 bars 14/15 you can see the lines I'm talking about in the tenor and bass between the words 'the winter'. Again on page 3 bars 33/34 in the bass underlining words there. Again page 4 bars 57/58 in the bass. Finally, page 5, bar 62, just a small one in the tenor under the word 'then'.



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In reply to by finnpjohn1

Sorry, I didn't respond originally because I thought the other responses you got were spot on. That is, I don't see a problem in measure 14-15 either, but for the other places where I see inappropriate extension lines (like measure 34), they are pretty clearly attached to the preceding syllables, so editing the syllable and pressing "Space" instead instead of "_" corrects the error.

Actually, it seems to me you are using the underscore extension lines incorrectly throughout the score. The extension lines are only for the last syllable of a word. To connect syllables within a word, you should be using hyphens, and you should be doing this whether the syllable extends across multiple notes or not.

BTW, do be sure you are using the current version of MuseScore; it's certainly possible older versions had bugs that might cause extra lines to show up that don't show up for us.

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