Stave line distance. When increasing stave line distance the notes do not follow.

• Oct 20, 2018 - 20:30


I will assume your goal is to make the staff bigger. In that case, this is the wrong setting; you really want Layout / Page Settings / Staff space. Or, to aff3ect one staff only, Staff Properties / Scaling. The staff line distance setting is something else entirely, originally developed to supp0ort tablature but also used in some experimental notation styles, and indeed not the way people might expect even then, so this will be changing for 3.0.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What I would like to do is to make the spaces of the stave larger. When I go to Layout/Page settings/Scaling and increase the scaling, which makes the space between the lines of the stave larger, the notes do not follow correctly. So I am being forced to stay with the narrow staves, which for me, makes reading the music somewhat trying on the eyes.
The piece I am working on does have chords underneath the stave also lyrics. “Would this be the reason why I cannot increase this space”? Thank you Marc.

In reply to by Sandyshore

When changing Layout/Page settings/Scaling not only the staff spaces changes but also the notehead sizes and about everything else, which is exactly the point of that setting.
If it doesn't for you, please share a score showing this, provide us with the OS and the version of MuseScore you are using and the exact steps to reproduce

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I have now been able to increase the spaces between the staff lines with the notes following correctly by going to Edit/Select all, then changing the Layout/Page settings/Scaling. It works fine doing just that. am feeling much happier now. Thank you. The Version of MuseScore I am using is 2.3.2

In reply to by Sandyshore

To be clear: the one that works the way you want (because that is exactly what it was intended for) is Layout / Page Settings / Scaling (Staff space). The one that doesn't (because it was never intended to be used for this purpose) is Staff Properties / Line Distance. Neither of them require you to select anything first; they are both global settings (one for the whole score, the other just for the current staff).

For the record, there is also Staff / Distance / Scale, which also works, and affects only the current staff. You'd use this to create music with staves of different sizes. Also a "Small" setting in that same dialog, which works similarly but uses a fixed smaller size.

But since you just want everything larger, the one and only setting you should be using is Layout / Page Settings / Scaling.

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