mscx file in AppData folder is still 24k but it refuses to open. Help needed desperately!

• Oct 31, 2018 - 08:24

The file just stopped working after a short restart. I made sure to click Save and then closed Musescore before restarting.

If somebody is able to help check if the file is recoverable and working, that would be fantastic.
I need to submit this as a piece of assessment for senior studies tonight.

Thank you in advance

Attachment Size
scF12520.mscz 23.16 KB
.scF12520.mscz, 16.75 KB


scF12520.mscz is broken beyond repair, contains a valid ZIP headed but only lost of zeros after that

rename that .scF12520.mscz, to get rid of the trailing comma and try o open that

Also, you mention a 24K file with the extension MSCX, but you didn't attach anything fitting that description. If you do have an MSCX file that won't open please attach that - it's probably fixable. Also, you say this is in the AppData folder; what about the regular files (presumably with more human-readable name) in the the regular folder you actually saved to?

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