Misplaced hairpins (horizontally) on initial load

• Nov 2, 2018 - 07:54

I have noticed several times now that when I reopen a score the horizontal placement of the hairpins is off. Where is most cases it should be 0sp. it seems to be off by an incremental amount, i.e. each hairpin gets further out of place. As far as I am aware this only happens to the first score loaded after opening the program and does not seem to affect subsequent scores that are loaded.

Selecting all hairpins and setting the horizontal to 0sp fixes the problem, but any horizontal adjustments are lost. Saving that and reopening the score does not cause the problem to occur again.

Closing MuseScore and reopening does not exhibit the problem so it seems to be only on the first load of MuseScore in the day after switching on - and then intermittently.

Images show the problem.



In reply to by Grandpa David

The hairpins have done the best they can to do what you told them. You adjusted them in continuous view to look good, then switched to page view. In page view, all of the hairpins are still in the same relative position as they were in continuous view. You need to adjust the hairpins while in page view. If they need to cross to the next system or page always use shift+arrow to extend the hairpin to the next measure, then you can drag them to shorten them. To make it work in both page and continuous view, you can always use shift+arrow to extend the hairpin to the next measure when needed, then drag to shorten them. The problem is that continuous view gives you are fairly constant measure width, while the widths in page view can be quite different, so I really recommend always adjusting hairpins in page view.

In reply to by mike320

I have never switched to page view. Sorry but I always use continuous view because of the nature of what I do - making karaoke style videos for choir training. Page view is of no interest to me. They are not in the correct positions in continuous view either so I am afraid you theory does not work in this instance.

In reply to by Grandpa David

It still looks like you have extended the the hairpins in the wrong manner. It looks this way because the anchors (the red lines) point to notes in the previous measure.

Let me back off from my preconceptions for a moment. Can you explain, for example, how you entered the hair pin that currently looks like it extends from measure 20 - 22 in the Tenors? I'm sure you didn't move it to make it look like it does now. When you explain, tell me if you use arrow keys, the mouse, the inspector and so forth. Also explain how you entered it - shortcut, palette, include what was selected when you entered it. Be as detailed as possible so I can recreate the same situation from scratch.

In reply to by mike320

I click on a note on which I want to star the hairpin. Then on the left hand side if Lines palette is not open I open it and double click on the appropriate hairpin. On a vocal part I then go to the Inspector and set the vertical distance to -9 sp. If that clashes and I need to move it up a bit further then I do so using the arrows in the vertical position box in the inspector. I never drag it with the mouse. Now the hairpin is in the correct place vertically if the horizontal position needs to be adjusted I double click it which put the anchor at the right side blue. I use Shift+Right Arrow to move the anchor point to where I want it. If that should leave the right side of the hairpin in slightly the wrong position visually then I make minor adjustments using Ctrl+Right or Left Arrow key.

I have to mention that this does seem to happen only on scores I have not opened for some time so it may be between versions. I just opened that score again now having adjusted the hairpins after uploading (by selecting everything similar and setting the horizontal to 0 sp) and everything is still in the right place. It is probably not worth putting in too much effort to resolve a very infrequent and possible non-reproducable error, unless you can load older versions any move between them. I thank you for your time and trouble however.

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