changing music

• Nov 2, 2018 - 15:52

I've found a piece I really like on musescore but it's for the piano and I want to rearrange it for a few cellos. Is there a way I could copy this persons music and edit it without having to do it note for note?


You can add cellos to the score and copy the notes from each clef to a cells then use the Edit->Tools->Explode tool to distribute the notes to the other cellos. You can do this for each staff and adjust the notes to better octaves as needed. Keep in mind, you will need to decide what to do about unisons and occasional chords that will have one more cello than most of the rest. That is, a few chords will likely have 5 notes so a fifth cello would play unison with another most of the time if you don't make any changes. This will make it easier, maybe, but not effortless. Arranging scores is an art that takes practice.

If you just want to hear it played by cellos, you can use the mixer (F10) and change the sound from a piano to a cello.

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