Clear all shortcuts

• Nov 9, 2018 - 07:16

Is there any way to clear all shortcuts and make an empty table to be filled in?
I have difficulty to swap shortcuts. If there is a conflict, I need first to find the conflicting shortcut, to delete it and than to find the initial shortcut and to create it.
Windows/OS X.


There is a bug in creating custom shortcuts.
When adding shortcuts including Alt key, MS excludes the modifier key (Alt) as held down and changes the shortcut to the modified key. For example, I want to add Alt+Ctrl+8 to get octave. However MS doesn't display that, it displays Alt+Ctrl+] and in this case the shortcut would be Alt+Ctrl+(Alt+8), and it is impossible to use.

Simply said, I cannot enter Alt+Ctrl+8, or Alt+Ctrl+E or others (see screenshot).

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screenshot.2018-11-09 (1).jpg 17.54 KB

In reply to by st.palamas

The problem is that on a windows system, ctrl+alt+# from the numeric keypad is used to enter characters. It is usually used for characters that cannot be entered on the keyboard. I would be surprised if this can be overridden and some people would object to it since it would become impossible to enter some characters at that point. The best work around is to not use ctrl+alt+ the numeric keypad. There should be no issues using ctrl or alt, I've never had any.

In reply to by st.palamas

I take it you mean you use ctrl+alt+e and get the €. I wonder if its a keyboard specific result (my keyboard is called a qwerty keyboard used for American English) or related to your language setting? I don't expect you to know, but someone might. I use ctrl+alt+ letters for other shortcuts and haven't noticed anything odd.

In reply to by mike320

And I never saw one without ;-)

Not true actually, I do have a US keyboard somewhere

Without AltGR we won't be able to write any C++ code or even emails, with a German QWERTZ keyboard, as {, [. ], }, \ and @ are only reachable with that AltGR (and yes, this is quite painful)

In reply to by st.palamas

Belgian-Dutch AZERTY here has the same issue. During shortcut creation indeed the Ctrl + Alt + € is detected upon entering Ctrl + Alt + E

This wouldn't be an issue if the same ("wrong?") detection was used during score editing, but indeed the entered shortcut is not honored/detected there (possibly as Qt only detects a single '€' keystroke)

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