Can somebody please go through my score and fix up the rests?

• Nov 18, 2018 - 05:32

So, I have an assignment which i need to write a score for. I have written it out in FL studio frist, then imported the midi. from there into Musescore. There are a few problems with it and i was wondering if anyone could fix up all the rests in it which are in the wrong place. Eg. rests on the score where other notes are?

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In reply to by Shoichi

I gave it a go, but unfortunately it wouldn't let me delete the rests. I'm not even sure where a rest is appropriate now as they are all over the place.
I am unsure why it wouldn't let me delete the rests. Can you have a go on my score and maybe send it back?
Thank you so much

In reply to by Harrison Allen

The rests are needed in order for every measure to have the correct number of beats, that's why you can't delete them. You tried to delete some, it seems, which made them invisible, and now some of your measures don't have enough beats, so this won't sound at all correct if you print it and give it to someone to play.

There are also many notes entered into voices other than voice 1, leaving unnecessary notes in voice 1. Better to move everything possible into voice 1. This isn't something easily automatable, it requires some human expertise.

I suggest you rewrite it completely and tidy up the score and the rests will pretty much take care of themselves. When converting from MIDI the notes are quantised into the nearest actual duration rather than what a composer would write in a score. Re-writing won't take too long and you will become more accomplished at using MuseScore.

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