
• Dec 1, 2018 - 21:19

Hello. I'm in a bit of a panic! Let me tell you why.

I recently upgraded from Musescore 1.2.0 or something like that, to Musescore 2.3.2 and now a lot of files don't want to open. It tells me
"Cannot read file C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Jared'sMusic\Reels.It_Works_On_Paper.mscz,: unknown type". What do I do? There are a ton of valuable scores that I've written and don't want to lose.


The file you listed there is not a regular MuseScore file - see the period at the beginning of the name and the comma at the end? It's a backup file. Your actual score is the same name without the extra period and comma. BTW, this is not different from 1.2. Also, FWIW, MuseScore 2 was release almost four years ago, you're a bit behind on the upgrade, now we're only a few weeks from MuseScore 3 :-). Probably not worth investing much time worrying about importing your scores into 2.3.2 at this point.

You version 1.2 (or any 1.x) is still on your computer. The version 2 is probably under a folder that ends MuseScore2, while your version 1.x is probably under a folder that ends MuseScore (with no number).

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