Notes not played

• Dec 14, 2018 - 23:04

So I just found that musescore wont play the notes in the 1st voice when the 2nd voice plays a long notes early in the bar.

I've created a small test case to depict this problem.

Screenshot from 2018-12-14 19-55-11.png

In this bar you would expect the 2nd voice (the whole note) to sound first, and while it remains sounding to start hearing the 1st voice quarter notes.

What is currently happening is that you hear the 2nd voice and at the same time the 1st voice gets highlighted (like when it's sounding) and then when those notes should be played, they are not.. So instead of hearing chiin-tin-tin-tin, you hear just chiiiin :)

I understand that this could be a bit confusing, plus English is not native for me .. so I've uploaded the test case here: bug-quarters-not-played.mscx


Looks like you might be using an older version of MuseScore. Indeed, the current version (2.3.2) will play all the notes, as will the beta of the upcoming 3.0. Note you won't actually hear the first chord continue to sustain, because these notes all go out the same MIDI channel, and MIDI doesn't support overlapping notes on the same channel. So instead MuseScore will cut off the sustained notes just in time to start the new note.

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