Does MuseScore support chord symbol playback?

• Jan 27, 2019 - 02:58

I know that Finale support chord symbol playback. However it is just play the chord notes, and it hears not good.
Is there any way to have a chord symbol playback like iReal Pro? I think this would be convenient for some instruments like electric piano or guitar, in some music that they mainly play chords.


If you have iReal Pro, I think the best thing is to export a midi file from the app and import it into the score just for playback (don't generate parts for it, and make them invisible in the main score).

To export from iReal on Android, select the "share" icon and select "Share Audio" and then "MIDI". Finally select how to send it to yourself. I woyld use Google Drive, but for others a mail, or possibly blutooth might be better.

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