To Coda / CODA

• Feb 8, 2019 - 16:30

With V2 of Musescore the To Coda /CODA worked OK. But I cannot get it to work in V3.
I have included the file I am having trouble with.

Several questions:

  1. How do I change the positioning of the To Coda CODA marker. The default seems to be to the left side of the measure. There is no option to select left or right as in V2, or I have not found it.

  2. I cannot get To Coda / CODA to work. V3 keeps skipping over the To Coda / CODA marker (it doesn't jump to CODA). I try changing the labels but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Should the To Coda Marker be coda or codab. Also should the CODA Marker (the one jumped to) be coda or codab? I have tried all combinations.

Attachment Size
.Jazz Sequences.mscz, 28.94 KB


You have attached a backup file that cannot be downloaded. You need to attach a file that does not start with . or end with ,

My best guess is that you are trying to use the actual coda sign as if it were a "to coda". That didn't work in MuseScore 2 nor does it in MsueScore 3. You need to use the actual "To Coda" element. You cna then edit the text to be just a coda sign if you prefer. This will get both the layout and the playack correct, again, same in MuseScore 2 & 3.

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