more about rests....

• Feb 9, 2019 - 01:23

OK - I'm a newbie! :o) or rather :o(
Is physically breaking rests the only way to do this..
if I have a 1/4 note on beat 1 of the bar and my next note to be entered is a 1/8 note on the '4 and' is there some way to simply nominate the position and let the software and the necessary rests?
Breaking up rests one by one is driving me crazy, error prone and wasting valuable time.

Can someone advise me please?


If you want to save time, I strongly recommend the duration keyboard shortcuts

  • Higlight whole note rest
  • Every time you press Q, the note/rest duration will be /2
  • Arrow left/right to switch between notes.
  • W will x2.

See link for other variants,

  • Shift+Q will /1.5 (approx), to nearest dotted value
  • Shift+W will x1.5 (approx)

Don't think of it as "breaking" rests. You are entering them, left to right, one at a tie, exactly as you do for notes. It's no more error prone or a waste of time than entering notes. That's just how standard notation works - the only way to have a note on "4 and" is the precede it with rests (or notes).

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