Won't hide staves with fermatas

• Feb 26, 2019 - 01:27

The thing is, if you have one staff with a fermata, every staff has a fermata that measure, even if they are in the middle of a 20 measure rest. MS3 refuses to hide these staves, so whenever I add a fermata, suddenly I am looking at every single instrument in the score, like I don't have 'hide empty staves' enabled at all.

This wastes all kinds of ink, and makes large scores unmanageable. fermata.png Please tell me there is a way to tell MS3 that fermatas don't count and those measures are still empty?


This is a bug. Fermatas shouldn't prevent a staff from being hidden.

Edit: I double checked and it worked properly in version 2.3.2.

It appears I broke this a few years back (!) with a change designed to make sure text would make a staff be considered not empty. See #44956: Empty bars with text not visible when hiding empty staves. Open to suggestions as to which items that you can attach to rests should or should not be considered. Both text and fermatas are considered "annotations", and my code currently doesn't distinguish by type - only by whether it is a "system" element and whether it is visible.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can mark it invisible, but still have it visible in the part.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm not so sure you broke it where you think you did, because it wasn't broken in 2.3.2 in my testing. Perhaps it only broke master (now known as 3.x) but didn't break 2.x, I'll let you figure that out.

Besides fermatas and caesurae I don't know what else should allow a staff to be hidden.

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