Staccato and accent problems.

• Feb 27, 2019 - 02:09

Some articulations used with the staccato have playing (duration and accent) problems.

Please test the attached file.

Attachment Size
Articulations_Test_3-0-3.mscz 10.24 KB


I don't think m.4 is such a bad problem. Even the Basic workspace has a combined staccato/tenuto, which works as expected. The rest is bad, since the only workaround is messing with velocity in the Inspector and note duration in the Piano Roll Editor.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

This is a place to discuss possible bugs. As you know, those here try to help others overcome issues they are having, you have done so many times. I think the way you first stated the issue led people to automatically try to help you rather than confirm it's a bug that should be reported.

I for one don't report most playback issues because I know they are not of a high priority, though the priority is rising. Someone familiar with how playback is supposed to work should listen to your score and decide if this should be reported or if this is part of the larger playback is not a priority issue and should be corrected if playback is ever made a priority. I thought Daniel was supposed to make playback better, starting with the percussion, but he seems to be MIA for the last few months.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

I think you misunderstand what we are trying to do with our replies. I understand you don't want help, you are reporting a bug. When I wrote about the Piano Roll Editor, I didn't mean that what you reported isn't a bug or anything. I commented on the severity of the bug.

I said that the bug seen in m. 4 is less severe than the bugs in the other measures, because it has an easy workaround (do it as in m. 3). The other bugs are more serious, because to work around them, you would need to use the PRE for each note, which can be a lot of work and not so obvious for a new user.

Anyway, I think this will be my last comment on this thread. Can we put this down to a simple misunderstanding and language barrier?


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