Bar width from version 2 to version 3

• Mar 3, 2019 - 11:11

Hey guys,

I am not a pro with MuseScore: I have no deep understanding and I just did ca. 20-30 files with MuseScore 2.
Target is mostly to fit the layout on number of pages - but for a hobbyist there are a lot of options even in MuseScore 2. But I found out how to do it the way it works for me.
Now I tried to migrate to MuseScore 3 - and actually I was shocked.

None of my files looks the same: I attached an example that perfectly fits on one page in MuseScore 2 - but on MuseScore 3 it is two pages and actually I have no idea how to fix this. The first bars contain only long notes but still are much too wide. I tried to increase/decrease the stretch but it did not work ...

How can I get the layout back to one page?


I understand that there are deep technical changes involved in MuseScore 3 that makes it somewhat impossible to import MuseScore 2 files while retaining the formatting. But I am not doing really complicated stuff here and my expection was that that would not cause problems in MuseScore 3.

Is there planned to improve the import or document how to fix known problems when importing files from version 2? If not, I would strong recommend to call files written version 3 ".mscz3".
This would avoid confusion and prevent overwriting files.

Attachment Size
Heidi Bari 2.mscz 26.96 KB


MuseScore 3 already does try to avoid overwriting MuseScore 2 files, it treats them as 'import' and askes for a filename, and warns if you pick one that already exists.
Esp. for MuseScore 2 scores with lots of manual layout adjustements it is recommended you continue using those with MuseScore 2.
MuseScore 2 and 3 (and 1) can be installed and running at the same time on the same PC.

The score you attached has last been saved with MuseScore 2.1, the last MuseScore 2 is 2.3.2 though, so you should upgrade to that.
However, it does fit one page in MuseScore 3.

Your D.S. al Coda won't playback that way in neither MuseScore version, you need a "To Coda" (in the attached score I added than and changed to look like a Coda sign).
Also you have misused Lyrics where Stafftext should better be used (changed too in the attached).
I also added some system breaks so it has them at the same places as MuseScore 2 had them

Attachment Size
Heidi Bari 3.mscz 25.14 KB

FWIW, when I open your original score in 3.0.4, it fits on one page also, and in fact is able to fit more measures per system than MuseScore 2.3.2 did. Second system in MuseScore 2.3.2 goes only to bar 17, on 3.0.4 it goes to 18. by the time you get to the last system, 3.0.4 is five measures ahead, with only one bar left for that system rather than six as in 2.3.2

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