text above repeat measure signs won't stay in position

• Mar 7, 2019 - 09:53

hi there,

i do often create simple drum charts with a lot of repeat measure signs. i want to put text above these signs, saying e.g. "fill" and put it in the middle of the bar. (see png attached).

in version 2 this text stayed in position. in version 3 due to automatic placement, this text moves around after opening the file again. Even with automatic placement turned off, the position changes after reopening the file (see mscz attached). I think because the bar width is changing.

Can I somehow get the text in fixed position?

thanks a lot

Attachment Size
measuresigns_text_above.png 5.15 KB
text_test.mscz 5.4 KB


The centering of those symbols probably causes problems with the offsets of elements attached to them. That said, I couldn't reproduce a problem. I loaded your score, reset the positions of both texts (one is system, the other staff, btw), manually put them centered over the repeat sign (X offset 9 sp), saved, closed, reloaded, and they were right where I put them. That's with 3.0.4. Yes, if the layout changes so the measure widths change, those manual adjustments won't make sense any more, so I wouldn't rely on this technique more than you need to.

I guess maybe you are seeing glitches form the fact that the measure widths change as you do the manual adjustment. So you do need to wait for that to settle down. Not sure where that's coming from, but that much does seem like a bug. Hard to pin down precise steps to reproduce though.

In reply to by MitchBuchannon

It's always been dangerous to manually position things to try to center them in a measure, since there are many things that can result in widths changing. But, they shouldn't be changing all by themselves for no apparent reason. this seems to be a bug, which I'dencourage you to file to the issue tracker (Help / Report a Bug) if you can isolate the precise steps that result in the width change.

In reply to by MitchBuchannon

Indeed, this should work, so again, if you can come up with precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem, I do encourage you to file an official bug report to the issue tracker (eg, Help / Report a Bug from within MuseScore, or Support / Issue tracker from this site) as mentioned above.

That said, it would be better not to need to rely on manual adjustments for this. We do have the ability to add text to the end of a measure in the form of repeat texts like Fine etc. Not saying you should use these, but it would be a very good feature request for us to provide the same capability for ordinary text. That is, to be able to attach the text to the measure as a whole rather than to a single note. Then left, center, and right alignment would exactly as you would hope.

Meanwhile, I think the best solution for you for now would be to add some rests to that measure and attach the text to the last one. They disappear when you add the repeat symbol.

In reply to by tristanshoutsf

Agreed. Right now this capability exists for "Fine" and other repeat text only. There is talk of providing it more generally. Meanwhile, that's your workaround - add Fine from the repeats palette, change the text. You can change the properties in the Inspector if necessary to make sure it doesn't conflict with other Fine markings in terms of playback. You could then Ctrl+Shift+drag this back to the palette for future reuse.

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