Custom Style on parts doesn't remains when you close and reopen the Score

• Mar 10, 2019 - 04:52


I've been working in a score and doing custom style for text and other objects, but when you close the Score after the changes have been applied and re open then you will lost all of them

Even if you relocate all the rehearsals marks, those get move back to its starting position. This only seems to happens to parts associate to Score, but the score view is keeping the changes without issues.

I'm in, because 3.0.4 bug doesn't seem to be fixed yet.

Thanks in advanced


Do you have a link to a specific bug report that includes sample score and steps to reproduce a problem? If you don't know of an existing bug report, I would encourage you to attach your score here and give us precise steps to reproduce the problem. Since no one else seems to be experiencing a problem with this, I'm guessing it is either something unique to your score, or something about your specific steps.

For rehearsal marks specifically, there is a known issue where manual adjustments - not custom style settings - get lost, this is already fixed for the next update. There is also a known limitation where you cannot use the Inspector to set a default offset below a staff for an element that by default appears above (or vice versa). So if that's what you are talking about these are indeed known issues, the first fixed already, the second more a design limitation in the style mechanism.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

By reading your reply, I'm on the Known Issue Train. That's exactly what happens to me: I put a Rehearsal Marks on the Score, then I move to the part and select the Rehearsal Mark there to send it to a new location using Inspector or drag and drop, save the document and close it.

After I reopen the same file, on the parts All the Rehearsals Marks get displaced to the starting location, but Score remains as the last saved.

So you give me the reason and I need to wait for the fix in the next update.

Thanks for take the time to educate the community

Attachment Size
Preciosa.mscz 68.66 KB
FB_MS3_PARTS_Style.mss 43.73 KB
FB_MS3_Score_3Brass_Style.mss 43.64 KB

In reply to by fbellom

One new thing: I've updated to 3.0.5. Now the behavior is: I open the Score, modify the parts and assign to it my custom Style for PARTS. Save & Close, then reopen and Style for Measure Numbers is lost, so I need to reapply Custom style again.

This time Rehearsals Marks stay in position, so Known Issue has been fixed.


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