This bug need to be fixed, please!

• Mar 11, 2019 - 01:31

I am working on my new project and being a problem with musescore.
I need the same side of the flags for both tempos, so the musescore is putting the flags differently for the first and second tempo, why?
Please, I love Musescore, but this way I can not do a great work.

Best from Brazil

Jack Lima

Attachment Size
Erro.png 2.55 KB


It should work as you want it to, but I have seen this bug before. If you attach your score, we can look at it and come up with a solution (I hope).

MuseScore simply follows the beaming rules you give when you create the time signature. If you want the sixteenths consistently beamed as 3+2, 3+2, then set it up that way in the time signature properties. If you need help, please attach your score. not just a picture of it.

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