Format/Style/Text/ User1 -6

• Mar 28, 2019 - 08:55

In the Format/Style under Text you have User 1 - 6 which can be customised but cannot see any way to use it either by adding to Pallettes Text or Add Txt option in the menu. Can you advise how they are intended to be used? I would like to create two text boxes one with the Key and the number of times each tune should be played in a set of tunes.


In reply to by Shoichi

Hi Shoichi
I know we can do this but I want to create two new text styles that I can insert from the Pallette's Text or the menu's Add/Text. I thought that it would be simple to configure a couple of the "user: text in the styles and have them on either or both the Pallete and Add but it would appear that this is not the case.
See below want to have two boxes one for the Key and another for the number of times to play for each tune in any set.

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Gaelic Waltzes.mscz 24.33 KB

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taking your first reply I was able to customise User 1 and 2 as I wanted and by using System Text I was able to insert the two boxes I wanted - All well.
Saved the open score and opened another score to repeat the process, but then after adding System Text and changing it User 1 low and behold User 1 and User 2 are back at their default settings, So you cannot save any changes you make to User 1 - 6 for use on other scores or is that a fault in Musescore 3 .

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Style settings are always per score. if you plan to create several scores using a similar style, consider saving a score to your Templates folder, then it is available for re-use every time you start a new score. Or, save your style settings using Format / Style / Save Style, then load then into other scores as desired, or even make that your default style in Edit / Preferences / Scoes.

You can also add specific text elements to your palette as described in the Handbook under "Custom palettes".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks to both of you I do use my own styles but thought these texts were separate but it makes sense. I will do that so thank you both for the assistance.

at 72 still learning every day - great.

Will need to Look at the Custom palettes, I had a look at it but maybe not seeing it clear, will try again tomorrow.

Andrew 47

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