To be able to copy lyrics (and other elements) when there are tuplets involved

• Apr 3, 2019 - 02:32

Hi, gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.5, in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).

I don't know if I missed something but... Each time I want to copy and paste some lyrics from some staff to another (in the same piece), I can do it ONLY WHEN THERE ARE NOT ONE OR MORE TUPLETS INVOLVED.

This is despite the fact that the rhythm is exactly the same in both staves!!!

Why? ??? I don't know!!! But... MuseScore stops me and gives me the typical message: "Cannot paste into tuplets"

If it is something "by default"... I think it should be changed!!!

Just an idea!!!

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!


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