Midi won't play part of score

• Apr 12, 2019 - 15:50

Plays up until m. 51 but m.53 and on won't play. Any ideas? (Attached)


In reply to by spojaw

Score created with MuseScore 2.3.2, you should be upgrading to 3.0.5 (or even 3.1 Beta)

However, you have a D.C. al Fine in Measure 51 and a Fine in 43. MuseScore plays exactly that.
You may wand a D.C al Coda instead of the D.C. al Fine, a To Coda instead of the Fine and a Coda in Measure 52

In reply to by spojaw

You told the score to end in measure 43* after the D.C. al Fine was taken. It's doing what you told it to do.

*This is where the Fine is in the score. This is the end of the song/movement.

Perhaps what you want is a D.C. al coda and you should put a to coda in place of the D.C. then a coda where you want it to jump to.

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