Pan does not work in page view

• Apr 15, 2019 - 23:38 has a video attached that show a score that does not pan when the button in pressed. The score is in page view and the language is Portuguese.


From the looks of it, this is MuseScore 2, it's a score with parts, there is only one system per page, the width of the system fits on screen but the height does not, and the preferences are set for vertical scrolling. I tried to reproduce all those conditions both in MuseScore 2.3.2 and MuseScore 3.0.5 and was unable at first to reproduce a problem. Then I had a hunch it might be an invisible staff on top, and sure enough, then I could reproduce, on 2.3.2 but not 3.0.5 or 3.1. So, I think we can consider this closed, unless those clues allow you to construct a case that does fail.

For the record, there has never been a case of anyone "refusing to listen". We all try very hard to understand, but it is nevertheless the case that is is almost impossible to investigate problems we cannot reproduce, and sometimes what seems clear to the person experiencing the problem is very hard to convey in a way that allows anyone else to reproduce the problem. That is why we ask for more information when it isn't clear. Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words, other times, like this, unfortunately, it still doesn't tell the whole story. One way or another, though, with perserverance, it is usually possible to reach understanding

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I didn't say you refused to listen. That must be a translation error. I said something more along the lines that you didn't understand unless I gave you an example that you could see for yourself. I don't speak Portuguese, so between your and my translators, who knows what might have happened.

In reply to by mike320

OK, I'll blame Google for the translation. In any case, this particular case seems resolved. Others you have brought up have already been fixed. I do recall one of two where I think we got to a place where we had developed precise steps to reproduce the problem, but am not sure if it ever got to the point of submitting an issue. If you know of specific issues with reproducible steps that you or others have submitted, feel free to post pointers, and we can try to take a look. Right now I know of a fairly commonly-reported issue with the start point jumping in continuous mode that so far doesn't seem to have any clear steps but by the sheer frequency of reports seems obviously real.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I agree, I posted a message that it was a version 2 problem with your theory as to why and told him it was fixed in 3.0.5 and later. I generally try to answer every question I find in the foreign forums I monitor, unless there is a native I know can give a decent answer to a complicated question. If I think someone in the English forum needs to answer it, I either relay the question as in this case or tell the user to post the question in English.

I don't use continuous view in version 3 because it get too slow too fast so I haven't experienced the problem.

As for other problems, I don't know of any I don't have a bug report for, but there are some playback panning problems I know still exist in version 3.

See for one problem.

In reply to by mike320

OK, thanks for the link.

To be clear, the issue in the Portuguese forum was page view, but the Vertical stack option in Edit / Preferences / Canvas. And now I've managed to reproduce it in 2.3.2 and 3.1 without the invisible staff. Vertical stacking does seem to be the key to this, though. Still investigating.

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