How to have page numbers for 3 page piano composition?

• Apr 27, 2019 - 00:01

I have a 3 page piano composition I am trying to format. It is going in a book so I need the page numbers to look like a real piano book. I have been trying to figure it out in the footer, I have show first and odd/even checked. Because page 1 and 3 are odd, it keeps on inputting the same page number (page 12 on the left footer)

Here is what I want:

Page 1 (page 12 on left footer), page 2 (page 13 on right footer), page 3 (page 14 on left)

The way it is going in the book is you will see the first 2 pages, then when you turn the page, you will see the last page.

Please help, this is frustrating and there should be a way once you put in the first page number that musescore should be able to continue them, regardless......


I would need to see the score to give precise advice, but you need to open Format->Page layout and set the first page to 12 for starters. You can then put the proper $p command in the footer.

In reply to by mike320

I am using Musescore version 3 (newest) and have attached the file where it is wrong. I cannot find the page layout, under format it only gives me page settings and style. When I click on style, I go to header and footer, but it is giving me the problem of both "odd" numbers saying the same page number.

I have attached the file so that someone can see what it is doing, please let me know how to fix.


Attachment Size
Musescore file -3 pages.mscz 21.42 KB

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