Musescore Drumline

• May 18, 2019 - 23:01

I am using an older version of Musescore (2.0.3) because my computer does not have the necessary graphics to run the new version Musescore 3, the fact is that I want to have that extension but when I click on the resource manager option I only see language updates.

There would be a way to have the extension without the actual update????


You must have either 2.2 or 2.3 as the minimum (I don't remember) for the MDL to be possible. I'm not sure what keeps you from upgrading to version 3, but you should upgrade to the latest 2.3.2 version. Note that people will be more than happy to help you with the transition, but version 2 will no longer have any bugs fixed, all new code is being written only for version 3.

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