Is this bar correct?

• Jun 3, 2019 - 01:44

This is part of the Interstellar theme, and I am trying to write it down with musescore, to be able to print it, because I don't really like to be with my phone while practicing. The time signature is 3/4, and at one point the song becomes faster, and it changes to 4/4, but it seems wrong. And the software is not allowing me write twelve 8th notes in one bar. So, how is that correct? And if its not, what should be the correct time signature? Or if its correct, how to write it...

Maybe if the time stays at 3/4(instead of 4/4), on the bass will be dotted half note, and on the treble the notes should be 1/16, instead of 1/8? It will be kind of the same thing, right? And I will be able to fit them all.

Sorry if the question is stupid, but I'm kind of noob, recently got into the piano, with no music background at all, so I am learning from YouTube, forums and so on...

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Your picture looks correct. The 8th notes will be 1.5 times faster than they were with no need for an actual tempo change.

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