Musescore 3 changes music to two pages.

• Jun 4, 2019 - 23:33

My scores in Musescore 2 are arranged on one page which I prefer. When opened with Musescore 3, they become 2 pages and i don't know how to fix this. I have solved it at this time by only using M2. Can you help?


In order to understand and assist, we would need you to attach the specific score you are having problems with. be sure you are using 3.1 which generally will preserve compatibility better than earlier 3.0 releases. No doubt there would be other scores where it's the other way around - something that fits on one page in MuseScore requires two in MuseScore 2. But either way, nothing a few seconds of tweaking settings won't fix, once we see your score and call tell you which settings are relevant.

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