strange key placing

• Jun 27, 2019 - 09:20

Since upgrade Musescore 3 the keyplacing is not good anymore. I arrange folkmusic with many keychanges. Now the keys stay between the repetitionbarlines and not after. It looks very ugly and not professional. How can I improve it?
Thank you for your help and kind regards.


In her book Behind Bars, Elaine Gould recommends placing key signatures between repeat bar lines this way, and MuseScore uses this book as the standard for music notation that it tries to follow as much as possible. However, in my opinion, it is not good of MuseScore to force this upon its users. It may be appropriate to present this choice to the user via a style setting, and perhaps allow individual key signatures to override the style default.

In reply to by Helena Schulthess

As mentioned, this is considered the correct layout, and previously you had to employ workarounds just to get correct notation. So the current version is definitely better. If you subjectively prefer non-standard layouts, that's OK, we do support non-standard notations, but these are what should require extra steps to create.

Placing the key signature before the end repeat tells the user the key is changing on that repeat (meaning it changes when you go back to the beginning of that section), which is normally not the case, but if it is, that would be one reason to prefer that. Similarly, placing it after the start repeat tells the user the key is changing each time through that second passage, which is also not normally the case - but when it is, this would be a valid reason to prefer that layout. Aside from those specific cases, you should avoid moving the key signature as it will likely cause confusion as users try to understand the key signature change on the repeats. But it would be nice indeed to have an easier way to achieve the alternate layout in those cases where it is valid.

Meanwhile, you can force the key signature to either side of the repeat barlines by disabling automatic placement for it then adjusting the offset, then also adjusting the offset of either barline to eliminate the gap.

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