Parts screen freezes when open

• Jul 2, 2019 - 00:17

Hello. I want to open the parts screen but as soon as I open the parts menu freezes and I can´t Access to that screen. What can I do to fix it? I already tried and uninstalled the program and installed it again. I was able to open som parts, but I need to open all the parts so I can export them.


My score is here:

Attachment Size
Halo Suite.mscz 137.21 KB


I just opened the attachment in Vs 3.2.2. It opened with the score, and two horns, and string parts.
What version of MS and computer specs?
Do any other scores act this way?


In reply to by bobjp

Hi. Im using Windows 10 64 bit edition and vs 3.2.2 of Musescore. I was able to open some parts but after the update the parts screen freezes. Now that I finished writing all the music I want to have all the parts available but I cant because of this glitch or maybe Im doing something wrong.

In reply to by matanguero1

I opened your score. The string and horn parts are in the Select Parts window. The Instruments in Score is grayed out. I selected the instrument at the top of the list in the Select Parts window, and pushed the delete button until they were all gone. Then select Generate. All instrument parts appeared in the window. Select OK, and they appeared in MuseScore.


Interesting. You are using 3.2.2 while I'm still on 3.2.1 and I don't see this problem. I'll be curious if others using 3.2.2 see this problem.

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