Scores with text: is there a way to make lyrics appear below dynamics and hairpins by default?

• Jul 11, 2019 - 20:54

I've attached an excerpt from the score I'm writing that demonstrates the issue I'm talking about. The part is split into two voices in different rhythms, with Voice 1's lyrics above the staff and Voice 2's lyrics below the staff. The hairpin and dynamics are both above the staff, but they appear below Voice 1's lyrics by default. Is there a way to configure the score (Style dialog?) such that the hairpin and dynamic marking appear above the Voice 1 lyrics by default? I could manually reposition everything to be the way I want it, of course, but this sort of thing occurs several times in the score I'm writing, so I think it would be a pain. I've tried messing around in the Style dialog to achieve this, but to no avail. Does anyone know of a solution?

Attachment Size
choralexample.mscz 5.45 KB


Unfortunately, I can't think of a good way to make this work in an ideal way. We could conceivably change the rules so lyrics go outside dynamics, but that's not necessarily correct in the below the staff case.

A non-ideal way to achieve the effect is to set the default position above for dynamics and hairpins to be high enough to clear dynamics, and turn off autoplace for them via "=" as you enter them.

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