Student friendly spacing between beats

• Aug 4, 2019 - 10:36

I tried to find the answer to my question using the search function I really did. If this has been asked and answered 100 times I really apologize and please link me to the resolution. Really weird if I'm the only one to ask this.

This is percussion related. I'm trying to write some simple lessons on sticking patterns and putting rudiments together. Under a group of straight 16th notes I'd like to give some right hand/left hand sticking patterns. Currently what I can do shows up looking like RRLLRLRRLLRRLRLL under the notation. I want it to be broken down into 1/4 note chunks so the student sees RRLL RLRR LLRR LRLL under the 16th notes. Can this be done? How? Any direction or guidance would be appreciated. Thank you!


If I understand it correct, I would adjust the horizontal offset of the 16th notes (select the note and adjust it under chord (!) inside the inspector), the same for the corresponding sticking. Not sure if there's an easier way.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you so much for the suggestion! Both you and @kuwitt. This definitely achieves what I was going for. @Ziya Mete Demircan shows another way to go about it but I haven't figured out how to make it work yet.

I really appreciate the helpful responses all you folks have given! This feels like a welcoming and cool community to be a part of


- After selecting the measure, press the "R" key to repeat the selected measure.
- I hide it breaths by pressing the "V" key after the "Select all similar elements" command.
- Unfortunately, the gap is diminishing when we hide the breaths.

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In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

This is exactly what I want to do! But I must be doing something wrong. When I press ctrl + space the focus moves to the next note instead of adding a space after the letter.

Here's a step by step of what I'm doing:
File > New (ctrl + N)
Title = "Test" > Next >
General > Choose Instrument > Next
Percusion - Unpitched > Concert Snare Drum > Add > Next
Key Signature > C Major, Tempo unchecked > Next
Time sig 4/4, no pickup, number of measures 2 > Finish

2 bars of whole rests are displayed on my score

Press 'N' for keyboard entry (trying to enter notes via mouse has proven impossibe for me, there must be some setting I haven't found that makes that possible. I can only select a single note at a time or click a spot that selects all the notes in a measure)

Click on the 16th note button. A panel at the bottom shows I can press 'A' for side stick notation, 'x' notehead. Or 'B' a standard solid notehead.

Press 'B' 32 times (I'm aware I can copy/paste but I'm not doing that just yet) creating 2 measures of 16th notes.

Navigate to each set of 4 16th notes using the arrow buttons on the key board and press 'X' to flip the direction of the stems and bars so they are all above the bar line. Then Using the arrow key I select the first 16th note of the 2 measures.

Add > Text > Sticking

At this point I type 'L' or 'R' and press 'Space' to move to the next note. When I get to the 4th 16th note I tried pressing ctrl+space after the L or R and it just moves to the next note. It doesn't push the next grouping away as illustrated in your gif.

Can you tell me what I'm overlooking? I'd like to use this method as it's a little less fussy seeming then what @kuwitt & @Marc Sabatell suggested.

In reply to by monkybunney

Ctrl+Space indeed doesn't work for sticking, only for lyrics and chord symbols. Probably it should work for sticking. But even if it did, it wouldn't produce the desired results, because the automatic spacing only works for lyrics and chord symbols. With sticking, if you do manage to force spaces in (by copy&paste, for instance), they will "stair step" instead of adding space between beats.

Not understand what you mean about mosue entry not working btw. You still need to press or click N to start note input whether you use the keyboard or mouse to enter the notes. Once you are in note input mode, the keyboard or mouse should work equally well. Do be sure to read the Handbook section on drum notation to understand how to use the mouse - it's different than on non-drum staves.

If you literally want all stems up, don't do that by manually press "X" for everything - just click Edit drumset" and set the default to up for that note.

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