PDF Import options

• Sep 12, 2019 - 22:00

I'm aware that pdf import function is still very beta and possibly not a permanent tool however a few options would dramatically assist in making it a much better feature.

Specify type of instrument (percussion scores should keep grace notes rather than converting to another type of note). Currently it converts to a default key which causes all manner of havoc with scores.

Specify voice. Right now the functionality of the "simultaneous hit" for basslines is very hit or miss and the importer always tries to turn that into an exploded chord and usually assigns default woodwind voice.

Lastly: Consistency of template functionality. Right now "Marching percussion" and "Battery percussion" have different drumsets applied despite without a defined rationale.

All in all I've never been happier with notation software. Between the above and the still beta sticking functions there's work to be done before it's a perfect experience but it's getting close.


FYI, the import facility is provided by a different open source project, Audiveris - we just partner with them. You might try posting your suggestions on their site.

As for sticking, it's not beta, it's part of the official release. There are some known issues with the feature, and no doubt some yet to be reported, so if you're having some sort of problem, feel free to start a new thread and ask for help. Then we can see if there is a bug or just a misunderstanding.

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