Battery Parts Replacement

• Oct 11, 2019 - 12:14

Hello everyone!

I am starting a didactic arrangement in which I wrote the drums however, I would like to replace a piece: the acoustic bass drum "B" by the Aro, being equal to the last measure. (attached file)...
Could you guide me how it is done without having to erase and insert all these notes (drum parts)?
Could you name this "Aro" by a letter just like the others?
Is there any other topics or supplementary material that I can perfect in drum writing?
In this arrangement I do not know what happened, but the score does not move like a sheet like the others.
Can you tell me if this is any configuration?
Attached file...


Attachment Size
ARRANJO.mscz 19.63 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This question was first asked on the Portuguese-Brazilian forum and I referred him here. I don't know how to change every bass drum note to an Aro without deleting bass drum notes and replacing them with Aro notes. mjbartemusica1 does not Speak English real well and I don't understand from the instructions how you would do this.

In reply to by mike320

I would first select the bass drum notes (right-click, Select / More / Same pitch) then use the arrow keys to change their pitch. I have no idea what an "Aro" is and don't see anything by that name currently defined in the drumset, so you'd probably need to use the "Edit Drumset" function ()as documented in the link provided above) to define one. You'd have to know which MIDI pitch to use based on the soundfont you are using and decide what line/notehead you want to use.

In reply to by mjbartemusica1

You're right, I missed it. So, after selecting the bass drums notes as I suggested, up arrow twice will move them all to that pitch.

You only need to know a MIDI pitch to customize the drumset if it's not already set up as you like. If you are happy with the sound (the English term for this in the default drumset is "side stick"), then you are done. Only if you need a different sound would you need to figure out a MIDI pitch for it. If you're using the default soundfont, it uses the general MIDI standard, so you'd want to find documentation on that standard, maybe some exists in Portuguese. But as you may have realized, many traditional Brazilian instruments are not part of the General MIDI standard, so you've need to find a custom soundfont to get the playback for those, and then you'd need to consult the documentation for that soundfont to find which pitches represent which sounds.

Again, though, if you're happy with the default "side stick" sound for representing "Aro", then select the bass drums as I suggested, hit up arrow twice, and you're done.

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