Make the barline of a hidden bar visible?
I have created an ossia staff, or an ossia-looking staff, by following this How-to:
How to create an ossia with another staff
This is the result:
Notice the barline on the left of the first ossia staff bar is not visible. I believe that barline belongs to the previous bar and because of the previous bar is hidden, that barline would naturally become hidden as well.
Here is the same thing created in different software:
Notice the barline is shown.
I wonder if there is a way to show that barline in the ossia staff... even though the parent bar of the barline is hidden.
P.S. Even though creating ossia staff is possible in musescore, I can't stress enough the steps required to do so are complicated and messy. I just don't see why I have to set the bars non-visible manually, as the settings will be messed up if I change the layout (intentionally or by accident) afterwards. For example, after line break settings are changed, empty bars may be pushed to that line/system but they are visible if I haven't manually set them non-visible before. I think deciding whether each individual empty bar should be visible or not, should be done automatically by the software itself and not by users. Users should only just pick show/hide for all empty bars altogether.
You don't have to set the bars' visibility manually. Enter notes into the staff then check the Cutaway box in the staff properties. All empty measure are automatically made invisible. No need to go into the measure properties in version 3.
The cutaway option is indeed what you want. But it's still the case the initial barline belongs to the previous bar and thus doesn't show, which I agree is not ideal. See #281639: Cutaway staves - better handling of clefs, barlines and brackets (suggestion).