Creating music theory tests

• Oct 28, 2019 - 16:23

I am a teacher, and am trying to use musescore (the most recent version) to create some tests for my class. Does anyone have any tips? I am very lost right now.


What do you want to do in your tests? This is a very vague question. Marc Sabatella teaches theory at a college and uses MuseScore for tests all the time.

One suggestion is to use the Worksheet template I created and made available as part of the Music Education extension here:…

It set a few things up for you, as you will see in the description. But since everyone does things differently, you'll still have to do things yourself in terms of figuring out how you want it to look. Probably it will be some combination of text frames for instructions, horizontal frames for indenting and separating measures where desired within a line, etc. Feel free to describe in more detail what you are having trouble with.

I also did a webinar last weekend where I dealt with this among other topics: see…

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