Yoshimi (Linux Synthesizer) soundfont banks

• Oct 31, 2019 - 18:12

Hi, Gang!!!

As you know, I use MuseScore 3.2.3 with Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (64 bits Linux).

With the standard Ubuntu Studio installation, we can use a very good MIDI synthesizer called: Yoshimi,

This app has a very cool Organ sounds bank, So awesome organ sounds!!!

BUT... It works with its own banks of soundfont into the "usr/share/yoshimi/banks" directory.

The problem is... IT IS NOT STANDARD SOUNDFONT FILES (*.sf2 or *.sf3).

It is some "*.xiz" (Gzip format... maybe, I don't know).

Does somebody know how to convert it into standard soundfont format? ???

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



From the wikipedia page of Yoshimi:
"All signal generation is done by synthesis, not using import of external samples"

Soundfonts in comparison are all about samples instead of synthesis. You can't convert their samples into a soundfont because they don't have samples.

Thanks a lot for your data, fellows!!!

I discovered that those files are compressed files containing *.xml format files inside.

So... I don't know if there is some way to convert that xml format into a soundfont, directly.

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