Sibelius XML Chorus Music - Tenor Pitch, Continuous View Layout

• Oct 31, 2019 - 20:42

I am new to MuseScore, and I am learning the program to use with Practice First. I am very used to Sibelius, and when taking my Sibelius chorus music and exporting it as an XML, I am running into two issues.

  1. Tenor part - notes an octave too low in playback - Silent Night
    This is a Sibelius XML that I opened in Musescore. In Sibelius, the tenor range is fine, but in MuseScore (and in PracticeFirst), the tenor notes are played an octave too low.

  2. Continuous View - spreading out staves - A Glad Noel
    In this file, the music looks great in page view. However, in continuous view (and in PracticeFirst), the staves are too close together. I clicked on the breaks and spacers button, but the control buttons are not highlighted, and I cannot figure out how to spread out the staves in continuous view.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Paul Blackwell


  1. It sounds like Sibeleus is exporting the notes the way thy look on the staff rather than the transposed pitch. I would be curious if they do the same thing with the guitar. Since sharing a Sibeleus score is not useful here, perhaps a picture of a part from Sibeleus that includes the clef would help our understanding, also the xml file used for import would be useful to assure the problem is not actually with MuseScore.

  2. This is currently by design. Continuous view does little formatting and is not very good for viewing most vocal scores for this reason. I've seen discussions about fixing this, but fixing this without slowing down editing in continuous view is not an easy task.

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