Customized line continues to inherit customizations after changing systems

• Nov 2, 2019 - 16:30
Reported version
S4 - Minor

MS 3.3. (but probably older)

  1. Open the attached file. Notice the line with a circled 6 in front, extending from mm 4-5.
  2. Apply a system break after measure 4.
    Expected result: Although the line length was previously customised, it should still extend to the end of system 2?
    Actual result: The line falls short of the end of the system 2.
Attachment Size
undo_lines.mscz 12.23 KB


Title Text-lines: line falls considerably short of end of system when spanning systems Line doesn't extend to end of system when broken by system break
Workaround No Yes

Did you attach the right file? I don't see any text lines on systems 1 or 2. I see a hairpin on system 2, and of course lyrics, but all looks normal to me.

Title Line doesn't extend to end of system when broken by system break Customized line continues to inherit customizations after changing systems
Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor

OK. You did, of course, ask for the line to be shortened, but probably we should shorten the last segment, not the first. Of cours,e chances are some other use case will show this being preferable, and another will make it seem like we should apply to both, and another still will feel like applying to neither is best. Feels free to start a forum post asking for additional feedback. But my inclination is, an adjustmend made to the start of a line should stay with the first segment, one with the end should stay with the last, ideally (it's not always possible, consider also the reverse case where you may have four separate adjustmens and then after removing the break there are only two).

I don't think so, that one is about properties being lost because they aren't handled properly, this one is a subjective judgment call about how properties that are specific to how the line is split between systems should be handled when the split changes.