Set count-in measures

• Nov 2, 2019 - 19:04

For pieces with multiple parts, of which I'm playing one, I practice by playing one part while letting MuseScore play the other (with the first part muted). The count-in beats playback feature is helpful for this. Partly to establish the tempo, but mostly to give me time to go from "hitting the spacebar" to "ready to play."

For fast pieces, it takes me longer to get my instrument ready than I have available. Is there a way to either set the number of count-in measures or, if not, to add a delay of 5-10 seconds before playback actually starts? i could find neither, and I would like them.


A few weeks ago there was discussion about a score where someone had added invisible measures to the start of the score to make the count-in longer. Basically they put in 2 measures (for that case) used measure properties to make the real instruments measures invisible. He made the wood blocks invisible (that did the count it) and inserted a frame before the first real measure so the clefs, key and time signatures would be visible.

I think it was probably in the Brazilian forum where this discussion took place, so I won't look for it or direct you there.

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