Slur or tie does not move with grace note.
See discussion at Bug was found in 3.3.2.
Create a note with a grace not attached to it. Apply a slur or tie from the grace note to the main note. Use the chord section of the inspector to move the main note to the right.
Result is that the grace note moves with the main note, but the end of the tie or slur is left where the grace note originally was.
Expected result 1: the grace note does not move with the main note
Expected result 2: the grace note moves with the main note and the grace note end of the tie or slur moves with the note
These are both possible expectations. If the other result is desired then changing the offset of the grace note should fix this. Currently it is necessary to put the tie or slur into edit mode and move the grace not end to a reasonable place. Note that moving the grace note to the left results in the end of the slur or tie also moving.
Related to #310776: [EPIC] Grace note issues